I've spent time, each of the last four days, reading the Gospels—Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. Four books, one story.
But rather than critically examining each verse or dissecting the message of a particular chapter, I chose to read one gospel each day, in one sitting. In addition, I tried to do so NOT as a pastor, and NOT even as a Christian, but from the perspective of someone who knew nothing about Jesus. I wanted to meet Jesus for the first time.
After reading the last gospel, I jotted down a few conclusions from my four-day adventure. I share them with you below.
1. Salvation is more about a life lived now than about a destination in the future.
2. Jesus’ call to us, that we follow him, is crystal clear. And he wants all or nothing. For someone to call him- or herself a Christian without desiring to actually be a devoted follower of Christ in daily practice is completely ridiculous.
3. The gospels offer you and me fabulous and credible hope.
4. Jesus is smart.
5. Jesus is humble.
6. Jesus is relentless in the pursuit of his calling.
7. Jesus loves me……more than I’ll ever understand.