If I could take tennis lessons from Rafa Nadal, John McEnroe
or Serena Williams I would do it. And if either told me to stand "here,"
to hit my backhand like "that" or toss the ball "in this
way," I would devote myself to doing what they said. What an opportunity!

If Dave Ramsey or Clark Howard would sit down with me,
examine my finances and set me on an optimal financial course, I would do my
best to follow the exact plan they outlined.
If I wanted to strengthen my physical body - well, I don't
really need improvement here. (And I lie sometimes, too.)
Over the past several weeks I've been re-reading Jesus'
"Sermon on the Mountain" found in Matthew 5, 6 and 7. And he says
things like "settle matters quickly," "don't take revenge,"
"love your enemies," "give to the needy," "pray,"
"fast," "prioritize God with the way you spend your money,"
"don't judge," and more.
And it leads me to this question for you and for me: If you
could take LIFE lessons from the master of life and he said "settle
matters quickly like this" or "forgive like that" or "pray
here," would you do it? Would you view it as an opportunity of a lifetime?
Does Jesus know as much about how to live life well as
McEnroe does about tennis, Collins about business, and Ramsey about money? If so, then, what would be appropriate
response from you and from me?