Friday, August 12, 2011

Ruthless Trust

I believe these two short paragraphs in Brennan Manning's book, Ruthless Trust, are worth thinking about and dwelling on and wrestling with and being comforted by and committing to memory and being deeply felt for a long time.

The words of the fifteenth-century theologian Angelus Silesius, "If God stopped thinking of me, he would cease to exist," are thoroughly orthodox. Silesius merely paraphrases the message of Jesus: "Can you not buy five sparrows for two pennies? And yet not one is forgotten in God's sight. Why, every hair on your head has been counted. There is no need to be afraid, you are worth more than hundreds of sparrows" (Luke 12:6-7.)

God, by definition, is thinking of me.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


This book was published in September of 2010, and I don't remember that it received much fanfare or recognition compared to other books that get released. But after reading it I have to say it may be the best book I've read in recent memory on surviving and thriving through the challenges of life, marriage and especially tragedy. A+++ book.